
Ronan Keating launches mobile picture blog

Picture_14RONAN!!! RONAN!!!  OVER HERE!!! RONAN!!!! GOD HE’S SO FIT!!!

That’s what I heard the last time I was in the vicinity of the great Mr Keating.  To be fair all I could see was a huge throng of people.  I just walked by…

The chaps have done it again — this time launching Ronan’s moblog.
A boon for fans!

If you want to see what goes on behind the scenes in a day in the life of Ronan Keating then you’ve come to the right place. Ronan is taking his camera phone on the road with him and will be sending in snaps direct to this page as often as he can, so make sure you check back regularly…

Have a look at Ronan’s Moblog imagewall.  Nifty!