
Rumour: Google's UK MVNO to launch soon

Link: Google May Launch Mobile Service In UK

We’ve heard from a good source in the mobile industry that Google may be preparing to launch its own branded mobile network in the UK in the next few weeks. If our source is accurate, Google will become a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) via a deal with UK mobile phone company O2.

Cat, pigeons.

Bull, china shop.

Could be total rubbish. Could be highly accurate. However, you have to ask what a service provider like o2 would be doing supplying Google. o2 can’t even get an unlimited data plan out the door. But, you know, we’ve discussed that here in the past.

So, interesting. A Google MVNO? One would imagine it would be an ultra simple proposition — a no bullshit offering that works and at very low direct cost.

I tell you what though, what would happen if the MVNO was free? Free to use? Shit. That, I would like to see.

Or if it was a tenner-for-everything per month? Hmm. I wonder.

Bring it on, more, more more.

I’d use it…