
Run! The Apple Store might have iPhones!

The hysteria is truly here. From the young chap Jonathan observed getting nailed by his bosses for standing in the iPhone queue, to our very own Dan Lane, currently dashing across Oxford Street from SMS Text News Towers because a rumour he picked up states the Apple Store has iPhones in stock.??Ruuuuuuuuuun!??When the gadgetlust picks you up, there’s not much you can do, eh? I write this from the front seat of Cecil de Monge’s private taxi heading to Dublin, a good few hundred miles from the iPhone London epicentre. ??Lauren, traveling with me (and Rob, too, both of Sonus PR), pointed out that had we had a bit of time, we could have popped over the border to check out the Northern Irish o2 store acitivity… If any.??So, will our intrepid reporter, Mr Lane, get an iPhone today? Will he satisfy his gadgetlust? ??Keep it locked on 97.5FM sms-text-news.
– Taken at 12:19 PM on July 11, 2008 – cameraphone upload by ShoZu