
Samsung Bada: $2.7m cash prizes for developers

Now then, if you’re a developer and you’re after an opportunity to a) show off your skills and b) make a bit of money, do take a look at the Samsung Bada Developer Challenge.

There’s a whopping 2.7 million dollars of cash waiting for you. The winning application (‘the champion’) will get $300,000. First prize get’s 100k, second gets 60k and third prize gets $40k. So not too shabby at all.

However there are also 10 spots for ‘special winners’ who will each receive 30k each. Nice.

But that’s not all — there are 56 device phase winning places who will each receive $8,000 each.

So, in total, there are 300 winning opportunities — every single one will receive a Samsung Wave phone too.

Given that the winning app for Vodafone’s 360 platform was a Flickr-based app, if you’re a half-decent developer with a bit of imagination, I reckon you could do very, very well with this competition. Another key point: Winners will receive favorable consideration for employment opportunities within Samsung. Very useful.

You don’t need a device to get started though. The first phase of the competition simply requires you to have created your application in the simulator.

More information here: Samsung Bada Developer Challenge