
Samsung OLED folding phone


Samsung has demoed their prototype of a folding OLED based mobile at CES in Las Vegas, just in case the future isn’t bizarre enough for you already.

There really isn’t a great deal more to tell at the moment than just that, as nothing has been publically announced around the product or project. It’s still very much a concept rather than an actual working retail phone at this stage.

All we can really offer is some pretty pictures which Pocket-Lint took at the show, which can be seen here. None the less, it looks good and has the worth to be a real boy rather than a Pinocchio wooden mock up for ever.

If there’s any more information to be shared by Sammy over the product, we’ll surely bring it to you.

We suspect this will be dragged along to Mobile World Congress this year, as it’s been doing the rounds since it was first seen at a trade show in Japan back in November.

Hopefully we’ll be able to bring you soon the full skinny, the complete low down, everything you needed to know but were too afraid to ask on the handset of wonders.