Sarah of Power2B's Wednesday Challenge answer
Kudos to Sarah Lipman, Co-Founder and Director of Research and Development of Power2B. (Power2B Power2B is a truly revolutionary 3D input technology – check it out).
Sarah rose to today’s Wednesday Challenge – which is to answer the question:
What is the best feature of your current mobile network operator?
Here’s her answer:
Without a doubt, the best feature of my Cingular account is Rollover Minutes. The two big advantages are: (1) I am not penalized by traveling out of the country — I can use the minutes during the months I need them most [I travel a lot]; and (2) I have less overall “anxiety” about using my minutes because there is flexibility in the system which translates to budgetary control (over airtime) for me. As a user, Control is Good.
In fact, Rollover Minutes are what drew me to, and keep me with, Cingular.
What’s your answer? Mail it over to me and I’ll publish it.