
Saw my first iPhone 4 in the wild and I couldn't care less


As I walked down Marlow High Street I stopped by the Sainsbury’s to withdraw some money. It’s such an utter arse having to withdraw money, but some transactions are better completed with cash (e.g. buying a pint of coke) in order to avoid the 30-second pantomime that is the chip-and-pin payment procedure.

As I retrieved my cash, I turned toward the High Street and woosh — I saw it: my first iPhone 4 in-the-wild.

The chap was walking along the street with his friend fiddling with the device. I spotted the casing and the distinctive style immediately.

And I felt nothing.

I should point out that I was just a leap from the Vodafone shop next to Sainsbury’s, but I didn’t feel the need to run there and grab an iPhone 4.

Indeed, when I upgraded my 3GS to iOS4, I felt nothing again. Oh, so it’s got wallpaper… Oh, so you can not-quite multi-task. I tried multitasking with ZumoDrive — do you know it? It’s a brilliant service that let’s you store hundreds of gigs of data in the cloud and pull it down/stream it when you need it. I like to listen to the BBC In Our Time podcast this way. I tried running ZumoDrive then I ran maps. And did it work?


It’s not as if I was asking for the world, was it? This may well be because the ZumoDrive chaps haven’t upgraded the app to use the iPhone’s bollocksy half-arsed semi-shit multitasking functionality.

I am thoroughly, thoroughly surprised at my reaction to the iPhone 4 OS and to the iPhone 4 itself.

Oh I’ll get one.

But for some weird reason, this time around, I haven’t felt like I’ve needed to own one immediately. I don’t feel I need to queue for one. Or get excited about it’s arrival.

So in due course, I’ll upgrade. I can’t believe how totally underwhelmed I am by it right now.