
Search-To-Phone Saves Time, Gives Leads, Gets Funding

Boulder, CO based Search-To-Phone has received a nice strategic investment from Gold Systems, Inc, also located in Boulder. No doubt they’re having a fun pizza party up there in Colorado to celebrate.

Search-To-Phone makes it quick, easy, and convenient for consumers to find the best service for a specific category of vendors. To use Search-To-Phone, a caller says what they’re looking for. For example, “I need a florist for my wedding.” Search-To-Phone will contact every matching local business, and within 60 seconds, connect the caller to a vendor ready and willing to help out.

For callers, this saves valuable time in having to individually call every entry in the Yellow Pages. For vendors, being listed means they easily get direct, interested phone leads. Search-To-Phone has also been securing deals with search engines, and says that web surfers should begin seeing ‘Find It For Me’ buttons on search results starting in March 2008.