
Sex and the iPhone

So I went to see Sex and the City last night with one of my girlfriends. As much as I wanted to run out on opening night and see it, i waited a few days so a bit of the insanity would die down.

Throughout the movie I found myself watching to see what kinds of phones they were using, (thanks Ewan! I can’t even enjoy a movie without phonespotting now ๐Ÿ˜‰

The movie was good, but on the phone front? Tuttuttut. Disappointing

Samantha had the iPhone, as Darla Mack has pointed out. Which was about the only highlight on the cellular phone front. And it was everywhere, Apple paid for it bigtime.

(Good line in there, Carrie needs a phone and says “quick someone give me a phone!” and Samantha hands over her iPhone and Carrie screams “I don’t know how to use this thing!” and hunts for a “real” phone.)

Most of them I couldn’t even really tell what they were, RAZRS etc. The usual “but it looks sleek and pretty” crap.

Carrie, the main character, the fashion forward, women drop at her feet to kiss her shoes one, had some odd (I think it was a Sanyo) pink thing encrusted with rhinestones or something. (That at one point was being held together with duct tape, COME ON!) And then she gets a new phone, and it’s still not great. This girl should have top of the line! If she can spend $525 on Manolo Blahnik’s, she can get a top of the line phone.

Sigh. I give up.

Another thing to ponder, with her new phone she gets a new number (what happened to number portability people! Do you not have that in New York?) and she’s upset because she’s now a 347 area code when she’s always been a 917 girl. Do area codes really give you that much social status?