
Short Transmissions for Wednesday

I’m experimenting with a different format today — for shorter bits of news I want to bring you. Rather than fill your inboxes and RSS feeds with individual posts, I’m going to lump them together in a quick read in no specific order.

Leila Modarres is now VP Marketing at DeviceAnywhere
I’ve met and worked with Leila (through MIR’s past relationship with DeviceAnywhere) and she’s achieved some super results for the company in the past. I like her style — progressive, adventurous, energetic spirit — but always with a focus on what’s best for the business. Congratulations Leila!

Tech Media Invest is tomorrow
MIR favourites such as Mobango, Flirtomatic, AudioBoo, iPLATO, Sharpcards and Skimbit are presenting at Tech Media Invest 2009 (see the full list). I’ve got a ton of work to do in the day, but I’ll be popping along to the evening VIP dinner and I’m looking forward to meeting everyone.

Funambol turns 8
The leading provider of open source mobile cloud sync and push email geniuses have hit version 8 today. I had a sneak peak of the service when I visited their offices a few months back. Very smart indeed. I really like their AJAX ‘my funambol’ portal. You can get a 90 day free trial — sign up and kick the tyres here:

Earn cash with 3UK
For every person you manage to get to activate a 3UK PAYG sim card (and top-up), you’ll get £5 paid into your PayPal account. Plus the person will get £2 credited to their PAYG balance. So get 10 people signed up and you earn £50. And if you can work out a way of doing this for hundreds of people, you could give up your day job and move to the Maldives. The site you need:

Shortcovers 2.0 for iPhone arrives
Shortcovers is a really smart eBook shop and community — they’ve got a free eBook reader app for iPhone, Blackberry, Pre and Android. Have you downloaded it yet? Genius for when you’re stuck on the train or plane. They’re doing a roaring trade with the new Dan Brown novel, The Lost Symbol (US $9.99). The second version of their iPhone app has just hit the store (direct iTunes link). If you’re into reading — definitely check out Shortcovers.

Right then. That’s the first ever Short Transmissions post. What do you think?