
ShoZu 1.7 uploading directly to your blog

This is pretty neat.  If you wonder what the previous blog ‘looking for a hotel’ was about, it was me testing out ShoZu’s latest feature: send-to-blog. 


In fact you can have ShoZu send to a whole range of different destinations – from an email to Text America to Blogger and more.  Nifty.  I’d really like it if you could send-to-Flickr and then Flickr sends the photo to your blog.  I like having all my photos archived at Flickr you see.

If you recently downloaded ShoZu 1.6 or less, go to the ShoZu site and download it again — 1.7 is available.  You can also setup the send-to-other services online in your control panel. 

I’m going to use this a bit more and see how I get on.