
ShoZu Picture Of The Day

I’m starting a ShoZu Picture Of The Day. If you’d like to submit a photo that you uploaded with ShoZu, knock the link over to me at and I’ll publish it here and also send me a link to your site/blog so I can put that in too.

The only stipulations to qualify are:

– You took the photo with a camera phone
– You uploaded it over-the-air with ShoZu to an internet destination (e.g. Flickr, Moblog, Photobucket)

I’ve got an absolute ton that I plan to feature but if you’ve got a photo we should include, I’ll give that priority.

Today’s first ever ShoZu photo is of a shoe. My shoe:


This is highly uninteresting, I realise. Apart from the little timestamp. 28th of March, 2006 at 9:48am. Goodness knows what I was doing at this time taking a photo. And I can’t quite work out what the ground is I’m walking on. Or what the hell I’m actually doing. I might be sat down. I was most definitely testing out ShoZu to see if it worked.

Anyway, the point of this photo is that it’s my first-ever ShoZu uploaded photo. In 3 and a bit months, I will have been using ShoZu for 3 years. And that’s saying something in these ultra-fast connected times.

The phone I was using? A Sony Ericsson W550i. I couldn’t have told you that if I didn’t have Flickr’s meta data to tell me. I was *using* a Sony? 😉

What was the absolute *FIRST* photo you uploaded with ShoZu? Mail it over and we’ll get it up!