
ShoZu Picture Of The Day

We’re back with the ShoZu Picture Of The Day! Mail me your best, most relevant or most unusual ShoZu uploads (to Flickr or the like) and we’ll put your name in lights here and drop your site a link. (I’m – use the subject ‘ShoZu Picture Of The Day’ so I can quickly spot your mail).

Today’s ShoZu is one of mine. From an hour or so ago:


Yes! I awoke in glorious Billericay to find the place literally covered in snow.

Well, not quite.

We’ve got an inch, perhaps less.

So for all the Americans and Canadians reading — or anyone who lives in an actually SNOWY part of the world, let me deliver you a bit of morning entertainment.

You see, despite there being less than an inch of shitty powdery snow, most of the area is closed. Shut down. Schools will close, offices will shut temporarily, trains will be delayed. We simply can’t handle snow in the United Kingdom, especially not in the suburbs around London where 0.5 inches of snow is comparable to getting a 4ft drop in -10c (without wind chill) conditions in the middle of Tahoe.

We just can’t handle it. Folk are putting on their Wellington Boots as I speak and ‘braving’ the terrible conditions. So terrible that it’s actually reading 1.5c on the thermometer. That’s right, the snow will be gone in a few hours but you can count on the total disruption of the entire region.

Only a few moments ago a van was valiantly battling against the snow to drive up my road. You see those tracks? Those were made by that very van. Such a brave effort. He was slipping and sliding all over the shop in 2nd gear.

We don’t bother with 5th-gear snow-driving nonsense here. Heh. We just point the vehicles in the right direction in 1st gear (WHY ISN’T THE WHEEL GRIPPIN’????) and curse the ‘treacherous’ conditions.

If you’ve got any pictures uploaded to ShoZu of some DECENT snowy conditions outside, please email them in.