
Sit back, stare at the wall, deep breaths

What a week of jetsetting, stressing and missed emails. 1,973 items in my inbox need some sort of attention. I took today off — a little bit — and didn’t blog. I’ve got so much to publish. Trouble is, I think it’s important not to just stick it up. Where’s the love in that, eh?

I’ve been going hot and cold on my Three phone. Hot, because, well, it is just about there — almost nirvana in terms of network operator service. But then I’ve gone reeeeeeeeeeeeally cold on it and quite literally thrown it away (on to the sofa) when I realised that, if I’ve read the terms and conditions wrong, that’s a heck of a large data bill I’ve got already.

I satisfied myself by once again re-reading the X-Series small print where it says words to the effect of, ‘so, look, fair use is 1 gig a month of data, right?’

I can’t hack not having ShoZu working on the handset though. Although it may seem a small issue, it is a total unmitigated arse having to click ‘options, send, web upload’ or anything like that. I’m given to understand (someone was telling me the other day, who as it? Can’t remember.) that it was Andy at ShoZu who first clocked the concept (I think I’m right) so to Andy and/or the team there, let me say this: Class-A Phenomenal.

When I take a picture, it’s pretty much useless to me on the device. I have next to NO interest using my handset as a stupid photo album — which, thanks to the ridiculous MMS screw-up by the operators years ago, is what most of the millions of camera-capable handsets are being used for. No. I want my data, and in particular my photos online, right away.

When I take a picture, PROMPT me automatically — just like ShoZu does — to say, ‘Send to Flickr?’ or ‘Send to MoblogUK?’

It is second nature to me to take a picture and then automatically hit the ‘send’ button so that as I’m positioning another picture, I know the first is being transmitted already.

I’ve been fumbling about using web upload forms and, get this, I even EMAILED a picture from the handset, I was getting that depserate.

I have been experimenting with Three’s X-Series though. Plenty, plenty to tell. I just don’t quite feel like bringing it out right now, I’m just that depressed with the ShoZu thing.

Ode to ShoZu
My aren’t you a
useful service,
Popping up whenever
a photo is snapped,

Aren’t you a critical requirement
on every handset,
on every network?

Whyfor hath the Hutch’o Son
Failed dearly to grant
access to your gift?

Whence I snap a new vista,
you art not there
ready to attend,
my every photo whim,

And Lo, for was it not

That a man, so bold –
the CEO of Three –
may, finally…
unlock thee?