Slingbox UK enables you to watch your TV anywhere
Link: Slingbox TV-over-Internet device lands in Europe�|�Internet�|�
An electronic gadget that promises to
unshackle consumers from their TV sets became available in
Europe for the first time on Tuesday, opening up new ways for
users to watch television wherever they go. The Slingbox plugs into a terrestrial, cable or satellite
TV set-top box and then transmits the video over the Internet.
Users can then tune in via a PC or a laptop. It is part of a
new product category known as “placeshifting,” similar to the
“time-shifting” made popular by digital video recorders like
Sky and TiVo.
I think I will definitely get one of these Slingboxes and try it out. Theoretically speaking, with the addition of their mobile player, I will be able to watch the Big Brother episodes saved on my Sky+ recorder on the train using my windows PDA. Or, at least, in a different location. Very cool indeed.
Check it out at