
SMS is a waste of time, says journo

Link: I’m a freak of nature | Herald Sun

My previous two blog entries have been about Australia. With the New South Wales Government planning to give smog warnings for Sydneysiders by text, and a whole heap of statistics from two recent surveys on Australian texting habits, it all seemed good in the land down under.

But wait.. Apparently the whole country is wasting it’s time – at least according to one journalist.

I’M probably a freak of nature: one of the few Australians who have never sent or received a text message. A Luddite? No, I just think it’s a waste of time.  It is bad for our thumbs. And our souls.

Never received a text message? What, not even one from your mobile network, or a spam? Even the wrong number?

Shocking. Maybe he hasn’t actually got a mobile, and spends his time walking around with tin foil on his head chanting ‘the rays of evil, they’re seeping into my mind!’.

Like it or loath it, text is here to stay. A zillion and one surveys – and 250m messages sent per month in Australia alone – can’t be wrong.