SMS used to solicit blood donations in Pakistan
Link: Daily Times – Leading News Resource of Pakistan – An SMS can be a life saver
Many people are using the short messaging service (SMS) provided by cellular phone companies to appeal for blood donations.
This is rather cool….
But an appeal for donations sent to some 50 acquaintances via SMS helped save his father’s life.
I imagine it’s often to get people to engage and to actually *go* and donate blood. But if you get a text from a friend, or a friend-of-a-friend, I think can be far more persuasive.
I wonder if that’s something that could be implemented by the British Blood Bank… e.g. everyone going in for an operation could just give their mobile number; and the blood bank could send out an automated text originating from the patient’s mobile saying, ‘Listen, I’m going in for an operation, if you have time, could you go and..’
Could be quite effective….