SocialScope sets Mobilebeat conference alive
Amit of SocialScope got up on stage in the afternoon at the Mobilebeat conference to pitch his application, described as ‘a mobile inbox for your social networks’. The main concept being that you can easily interact across Facebook and Twitter.
He showed one or two screenshots and — as one, 300 people in the auditorium reached for their mobile device application stores and began searching. Myself included. I wondered if they had an Android app.
Alas no.
it’s Blackberry-only at the moment.
Indeed, *right now* it’s still in private beta, although Amit said that from today (or, more likely tomorrow — it looks like the site is still marked as ‘private’ at time of writing), SocialScope goes into open beta.
If you’ve got a Blackberry, I thoroughly, thoroughly recommend downloading and having a play. From the screenshots I saw on screen, it looks like something I’d use very, very regularly.