
Solutions to find my lost Nokia E90

I lost my Nokia E90 on Wednesday. I should have had some sort of software on the phone to locate it. I lost it in the space of a 20-30 minute period, so it would have been useful to have been able to query the handset itself, somehow.

After publishing my tail of woe, I’ve had a few suggestions

Mark Hulyer of Awareness Tech emailed:

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Sorry to hear about your E90 but if you had installed our NEO-TRAX software then at least you’d know where it is right now. In fact if it was on the move thus meaning someone has dishonestly acquired and it’s not just stuck under a slot machine somewhere gathering dust, you would be able to track this in real time via GPS street by street to the actual house. Add to that the ability to switch on your E90’s microphone or listen in to calls or even read any SMS traffic. You could let the “thief” know by SMS or call them, even if they have changed the SIM, that you are about to send a text to all his friends (cos you now cleverly have copies of all their texts), that Mr “X” has a stolen phone and you are about to lock it down or just send an instruction to make the phone “scream”. Nothing would happen on your lost or stolen E60 Ewan without you knowing or remotely controlling it. Certainly will achieve some kind of result that’s without hesitation.

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I really like the idea of being able to see what’s going on with my handset. It’s bugging me quite a lot to know that the powerful device is either sat somewhere gathering dust, or being used by a total arse. So I’d like to see if it was being used and if it’s location was changing. Further, I am particularly impressed at the possibility of being able to turn on the phone’s microphone and listen in to calls. That would be brilliant! It’s almost worth losing a handset deliberately to try that out. I wonder just how it works.

In his email, Mark also offered SMS Text News reders a free trial of their NEO-TRAX software — just email support (at) quoting me. When I get my new E90, I think I’ll need to give it a go!

Thanks Mark!