
Sony Ericsson X10 devices get Android 2.1 soon

If you’ve bought a Sony Ericsson X10, X10 Mini/Pro, the chances are you might be wondering when you’re due a software update to the new fangled 2.1 version of Android. Well, there’s good news: 2.1 *is* coming. Here’s the statement from Sony Ericsson:

The Xperia™ X10, X10 mini and X10 mini pro smartphones will all receive software upgrades during their lifecycle to improve performance and add new communication and entertainment experiences. From Q3 2010 onwards, the Xperia™ X10, X10 mini and X10 mini pro smartphones will be upgraded to run on the Android 2.1 operating system in selected markets. The Xperia™ X10’s position as the best multimedia Android smartphone will be strengthened through the addition of HD video recording as part of the same Q3 upgrade. A further upgrade to the Xperia™ X10 in Q4 will make it possible to connect wirelessly to and display content on your television and enhance the Timescape™ and Mediascape applications.

This is good news and points to Sony getting to grips with the fact that consumers do want software updates. I’m pleased we’ve got clarity on that matter. I like the sound of the wireless TV connectivity. Very cool indeed. (I did think ‘Q3? That’s ages away’, but then remembered we’re almost in July. So there’s not too long to wait.)

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