
Sony Ericsson puts Google in their handset menu

Link: Sony Ericsson joins the Google charge – News Analysis – Mobile Europe.

Sony Ericsson and Google today announced that they have integrated Google’s Blogger and Web Search features on Sony Ericsson mobile phones.

Arse, I’ve just recently stopped using Blogger in favour of Typepad!  Still, it’s interesting to see mobile handset operators doing one thing whilst mobile operators do another — or do the same thing.  Witness, for example, the recent news that Google is to be featured in Vodafone Live.   

Operators like the idea of mobile blogging because as well as making
them look down with the mutlimedia kids, it could generate good data
uploading and downloading. They envisage users taking pictures from
their phone and uploading them onto their blogs, and then sharing them
with other users. In other words, it’s a driver for MMS.

Bull.  Operators are still on a different planet if they think that an easy ‘click here to moblog’ link on the phone’s menu is going to persuade users to do anything other than use their handset as a glorified photo album.  Sort out the cost for MMS first.  Making it easier won’t fix the problem.  It’s still 36 pence PLUS VAT to send a picture!