
SpinVox and Six Apart offer voice blogging

Link: SpinVox picks Six –

Here’s a neat one. Six Apart are the people behind LiveJournal, TypePad and publishing platform Moveable Type. Spinvox – well I doubt they need any introduction to regular readers!

SpinVox has teamed up with the blogging software provider Six Apart to enable the latter’s 12 million users to speak a message into their phone that is posted as text on their online blogs.

SpinVox is best known for a service that converts voicemails to text and sends them to the receiver as an SMS. The Six Apart deal is based an another SpinVox product called SpinMyBlog, which works on the same principle but emails the text message to a web site.

Great idea – personally I prefer writing things myself with a keyboard rather than dictating them. If this blog entry had been done by dictation there would have been lots of ‘errs’, ‘hmmms’ and the odd bit of profanity in there when I knocked my cup of tea over 🙂