
SpinVox: Quick industry opinion via Twitter

I posted the following message just now on Twitter:

Writing a SpinVox industry opinion post: Send me your Tweet-opinion on SpinVox and I’ll publish it

I wanted to see how many people following me — many of whom are in the mobile industry — actually care about the continuing SpinVox saga.

Here are there responses I got in the order in which they came in.

s_constantine: I still don’t understand why people still use voicemail in today’s day and age. It’s cheaper, and faster, to simply send a text.

yiannopoulos: The BBC’s revelations are confirming what people in the industry have been suspecting for ages. Still shocking to watch it unfold.

nokiamobiletalk: Wow its kind off sad that they’re listening to people’s messages, from my exp. Machines are always clumsy for this type of stuff 🙂

anonymous: An obsession with the misunderstood notion of privacy has tarnished the reputation of Spinvox. But whose responsibility is it to define what data is yours and what isn’t? The Government via Data P. Act? Does this need reiterating to help understand?

anonymous: re SpinVox – I am amazed this is news and think the BBC shoudl stop beating them up on a perceived point of editorial integrity. Of course whether SpinVox has handled it well is a different matter

anonymous: Whilst the tone of voice in JW’s response post was good i actually thought it was the wrong strategy shouldn’t debate the BBC. Don’t get into a mud fight with a pig, you’ll both get dirty and the pig will enjoy it… kind a thing

anonymous: SpinVox can survive this but they need to refrain from debating Rory at the BBC, be open, and share a view of the bigger picture of the company. They’re an innovative, respected British success story with business relationships and employees across the globe. I’d be willing to bet that if they opened their doors and invited a few bloggers to see the work they do, meet the people that do it and witness the security of processes in place it would give everyone the reassurance they need so the story can move on.

mattymoran: Spinvox story reminds me so much of the film ShootingFish – trailer here #spinvox (via @nickbelluk)

daverage: Tell you what though, if google voice had never appeared, spin vox hardly be known. I only found it looking for a uk alternative!

jordanstone: re. SpinVox – don’t care if a monkey transcribes the message so long as my data and personal details are safe

whatleydude (of SpinVox): Actually quite bored of this now… This isn’t ‘them’ vs ‘us’. It’s just a case of getting the facts *straight*. Will be blogging shortly.

kiphakes: Well I just wanted to say i’m 100% @whatleydude and @spinvox , not that my opinion counts for much but just wanted to state my thoughts!

jonmulholland: re. @ruskin147’s latest post. Don’t get into a mud fight with a pig, You’ll both get dirty and the pig will enjoy it!

daverage: @Ew4n OMG, just read the bbc article. SpinVox are boned. All they had to do was be honest, even if it sucked. Now they look like con men

My own view is gravitating toward Whatleydude’s — it’s getting a litttttle bit boring now. I think SpinVox should stop hiding behind James and open up and start talking as a company.