
Sponsored video: The Samsung Smart TV's motion control is brilliant

If you haven’t checked out the Seductive Motion video featuring the new Samsung Smart TV, I strongly recommend taking a look at the video above. It’s promoting the company’s Smart TV range of televisions. I have to say I was pretty impressed at the technical innovation demonstrated in the advert.

The advertisement begins with a lady appearing to wave at the office block opposite her apartment. The chaps sitting at their desks in the office block are therefore astonished that she appears to be standing waving at them. And then she starts beckoning to them.

Cue a stampede as every guy jumps up from their desks and rushes over to the apartment opposite.

What these rushing chaps don’t realise is that the lady is actually using the motion control features of her Samsung Smart TV. The ah-hah moment at the end of the advert did impress me. You can control your Samsung just by waving at it? Nice. Although I would like to know what happens if the whole family waves at the TV. Which family member does your Samsung pay attention to? 😉 Oh the arguments…

Anyway have a look at the advert and see what you think. Do any readers have a Samsung Smart TV? I’ve been giving a lot of thought to buying one given the ‘connected’ capabilities (e.g. Skype, Lovefilm, BBC iPlayer, Facebook, Youtube etc.)

Samsung Seductive Motion

(This post is sponsored by Samsung Smart TV)