
Spotify for iPhone will boost premium accounts dramatically

I first saw a demonstration of Spotify for iPhone way back, months and months ago when the concept of being able to use the service via multiple continually updated platforms was a pipe dream.

It was shit-hot then. And it’s shit-hot now.

MocoNews has been all over the news today that Spotify for iPhone has been approved.

That’s right, big bad ‘orrible Apple has approved the huge threat that is Spotify.

My first reaction to the news was to:

a) Upgrade my Spotify account. (I’m still semi-boycotting the upgrade on the basis that it’s a flipping flucking arse to have to go and get my sodding credit card, type the details in, and so on, just to upgrade my account. Whither PayPal? Or anything EASY?). The story goes that you need to have upgraded your account before you can use it on the mobile platform.

b) Download the Spotify for iPhone App. And smile. Because my life just got a little bit nicer.

Alas, as Robert from MocoNews highlighted, the application isn’t actually available. Yet:

Some cynics had even wondered whether Apple was delaying Spotify approval to unveil its an unlimited music service of its own in its upcoming September 9 event.

We shall see.

I’ll definitely give it a go when it’s available.