
Stand by What you Say - The Youth Opinion


We asked SMS Text News youth correspondent Issah to go out and ask the youth their opinion on SpinVox’s new Stand by What you Say campaign. You know the one, we’ve done a brief overview of it here. SpinVox launched Stand by What you Say in conjunction with MTV to get people talking about sex.

Here’s what Issah found out:

Jane Shorter: I love the idea, but who would use it. I wouldn’t.

Perry Lancure: I’d use it. But I’ve never heard about it before.

Matthew Leeson: It’s silly who does that like seriously.

Reshuni Desai: Why are people being encouraged to have and talk about sex?

Saif Janab: It sounds good, raising awareness and all that but how are
you going to let people know about it?

Clifford Jones: I don’t want to tell everyone about my sex life!
Private stuff. But the idea is good.

Jason Smith: Fantastic idea. I haven’t heard of it yet though.

Michelle Reiner: This would be very helpful for young people with
uncertainties concerning sex. I like.

Joe Agbunde: From what I understand this could develop into something
bigger than just talking about sex.

Ben Prior: Sounds great! I’m sure I’ll use it.

Tommy Home: Really good, but I’m not sure it’s the most effective way
to go about spreading awareness.

Vivian Diep: I think it’s an unusual idea yet really interesting.

Kieran Wells: Amazing idea, I absolutely love the innovation though I
think it could be marketed a lot better. Blog format is very
attractive and the little people are pretty amusing.

Thanks Issah!