
Strongbow launch First Pint Friday mobile campaign

Another great win for mobile marketing agency Incentivated, and a really cool use of location based services in a marketing campaign.

Mobile marketing agency, Incentivated has today announced that it is working in partnership with Emap² Radio on a £300,000 radio and mobile campaign for Scottish & Newcastle’s Strongbow cider brand. The campaign will encourage people to choose Strongbow as their first drink of the evening and supports Strongbow’s current TV campaign focusing on ‘Total First Pint Refreshment’.

The campaign is targeting 25-35 year old men and a Strongbow WAP site is being created. Emap² Radio are working in partnership with Incentivated to provide a location based service, where consumers can text a number then their location is detected; details of their nearest Strongbow First Pint Friday venue will then be sent to them.  The WAP site will host a wide array of content this audience would want to download on a Friday night, including ringtones, jokes and wallpapers. Details of the WAP site will be sent to an Emap Advertising text database every Friday afternoon at 3pm to remind them to take advantage of ‘Strongbow First Pint Friday’. Street teams will also operate outside each venue encouraging people in.

Although I’m not a great fan of cider, if anyone from Incentivated wants to send over a crate or two of Strongbow I wouldn’t complain 🙂