
Subscribing to the newsletter - my mistake

I was a bit of a dunderhead the other day. I keep on getting people saying ‘er, the newsletter subscription link doesn’t work’.

And I’ve been mystified.

Completely mystified.

But I worked it out — eventually.

I have, in some posts, been linking to /newsletter/ — the correct path when you’re online. But if you’re reading via RSS or the RSS-to-email system, that won’t work. Durrrr.


I will make sure I publish the full URL in future.

Here it is:

Go ahead and sign-up there. It’s free, of course — and you can unsubscribe at any point with the link I’ll be including at the bottom of every edition.

And if you think your friends and colleagues could benefit, do pass the message on. Or sign them up with their express permission.

Finally if you’ve got any news or news snippets you’d like included in tomorrow’s edition, drop me a note: