
Survey: What Apple Watch model are you going to buy?

So, you’re going to have to buy an Apple Watch, right?

If you work in the mobile world, the chances are you’re going to either want to (or have to) buy one.

Whether you like the idea or not, we all have to face the reality: Apple is clearly betting big on ‘Watch’ and it behoves anyone with specific interest in the sector to buy one and experiment with it.

It’s entirely conceivable that the Watch launch will herald a completely new multi-billion dollar ecosystem almost right-away. And we all want a piece of that. Ergo we’ll all stand in line. Yes?

Even if you’re not a standard Apple-loving-slave (“oh, a new iPhone, better upgrade…”) the chances are you’ll probably be lining up to buy, if only to see what the fuss will be about.

Plus you’ll look cool. Until we find out the ‘usable’ battery life for anything other than telling the time is something like 60 minutes. Heh.

Anyway. I’d like to know your intentions.

You can’t just buy an Apple Watch. You need to choose the model. You need to decide how you’re going to define yourself against the Apple yardstick.

Screenshot 2015-02-26 15.13.56

You can choose between (in order of expected cost):

  • Watch Sport (“hundreds of pounds”)
  • Watch (“about a thousand pounds”)
  • Watch Edition (“crazy, e.g. tens of thousands of pounds”)

I’ve assumed this is accurate — I’ve used John Gruber’s Daring Fireball Watch post from last week as a guide.

All of this is of course mere speculation today.

My own view? I’ll be buying the Apple Watch Sport — e.g. the cheapest, on the basis that the only variation is how it looks.

I say that… I might find myself in the store and feel, all of a sudden, that I have to define myself with the ‘Watch’ one. I doubt I’ll be looking at the Edition any time soon.

Once you’ve chosen the model… you’ll need to select the size, too. Big (for male wrists, basically) or Small (for female wrists)?

So what about you?

Can you take 30 seconds and answer these three questions? I’ll then publish the answers in a few days. It’ll be interesting to find out what you’re all thinking.

I’ve also added a ‘why’ box in case you’d like to tell me what you’re thinking. I’ll try and quote a few in the results post.

Here’s the Survey embed or you can use this link.

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