
"Systemic failure of compliance" for TV prem services

Link: Ayre inquiry reveals systemic failure by broadcasters | Ofcom

UK communications regulator Ofcom have today published the outcome of their inquiry into use of premium rate services by broadcasters – and they’re not pulling any punches.

The inquiry found that:

Compliance failures were systemic;
Revenue generation was a major driver in the growth of PRS;
Some broadcasters appeared to be in denial about their responsibilities to ensure programmes delivered on the transactions they offered to viewers;
There was an apparent lack of transparency through the supply chain – between telecoms operators, producers and broadcasters – resulting in a lack of clarity about responsibilities; and
Broadcasters are concerned that there is a lack of clarity between the regulators, Ofcom and ICSTIS.

There’s a great quote from Ofcom Chief Executive Ed Richards: “Phoning a TV show isn’t like ordering pizza. When you put the phone down nothing arrives: you just have to trust that your call was counted. If broadcasters want audiences to go on spending millions calling in, they need to show they take consumer protection as seriously as programme content.”

The inquiry is online here – worth a read if you’re in the business of providing premium SMS or voice services.