
T-Mobile UK Billing Shite Again

I logged into my T-Mobile UK account this evening. Remember last week I tried to setup Direct Debit and I couldn’t, because they were busy processing direct debits ‘within 7 days’ — and as their system is so flakey, they couldn’t accept new payment info?

Well, this evening I was greeted with:

Uh oh.

Bad news, right? BAD news! Suspended? AGAIN! I’ve been battling against the T-Mobile rubbish system for weeks to try and keep everything above board. I’ve never encountered a company that simply cannot take money off you without some kind of frustration, prevention, policy problem or technical fault.

Screw this, then, I thought.

It’s only £20 a month I pay on that account. Goodness me. I’ll pay 150 pounds to it so that I’m in credit, right?

I headed over to the Make-A-Payment screen that is totally flocked. There’s no PAY button. I kid ye not.

Have a look at this:

You select your card number and then enter your security code… then… go nowhere. Because the PAY button doesn’t exist on this page, tonight, for some INANE reason.

You have to click on to one of the Direct Debit tabs, then Top-Up tabs, then click BACK on to the Make Payment section. THEN the sodding button appears:

Shit. Shit. Shite.


My current balance on this page read £-46.00.

What’s that? Surely that… that’s negative? That means I’m in credit?


But the front-screen message is telling me I’m WAYYY behind with payments. My account has been SUSPENDED, it tells me.

Yet I’m 46 in credit.

I don’t know what to believe.

And since it’s 11:30pm on a Sunday, there’s no one from T-Mobile UK available for me to call and ask them to state their reasons for existing. It is a VERY safe bet that T-Mobile are not within 100 miles of winning the Mobile Industry Review Most Innovative Operator category (actual winner announced tomorrow).

So I chucked £150 on to the T-Mobile account, just in case.

My account is now £-196.00 which, presumably, means I’m ok.

I still have the annoying message on the My T-Mobile page:

Warning your account has been suspended, you will not be able to use your mobile until you have made a payment

Why can’t they build something that works?



And THRICE appalling.