
T-Mobile UK launches some reasonably decent European data roaming deals

T-Mobile has stepped up to the plate with some new data bundles which are reasonably competitive.

Here they are:

– 3MB for £1 with about 15 minutes online checking email (lasts 24hrs)
– 20MB for £5 with about 2 hours online usage (lasts 24hrs)
– 50MB for £10 with one days use (lasts 24hrs)
– 200MB for £40 with 30 days usage

What’s rather interesting is that you enable these ‘boosters’ by simply opening your laptop browser when you’re abroad. I imagine that when you try typing into Google, for example, you’ll be redirected to a T-Mobile access page. I do like the certain and predictable nature of this — like buying a WiFi connection — I like the fact that as a user, you’re not going to get absolutely nailed for your data use. The system will simply bring you back to the ‘buy more’ page when you’ve exceeded your allowance of allotted time.

This is aimed at people taking their laptops with mobile broadband dongles abroad. So the next question in my mind is: What about my iPhone / Android / Nokia / BlackBerry device? What if I want to do this on my mobile handset? I wonder if T-Mobile have built a mobile-formatted version of this. If they have, simply fantastic. If not, well, that’s a bit of a shame.

I’ve dropped an email to the T-Mobile PR chap, James at Brands2Life, to find out and I’ll update this post when I’ve more news.

Meanwhile you’ll be able to enjoy these new boosters from the 1st of March.