
T-Mobile UK readying Android

I had an anonymous text on my handset just now from what I suspect is a pay-as-you-go number.
The contact advises me to check out the T-Mobile UK site this evening, promising something I’d like to see.
A working online billing system, perhaps? ๐Ÿ˜‰

(Ok that was just a dig based on my recent T-Mobile annoyances.)

When I queried this contact, he simply replied ‘Android’.
A new phone? An announcement? Pre ordering? A statement? Buy today? I wonder.
I would be seriously impressed if T-Mobile UK launched an Android handset into the UK market simultaneously. Or put up pre-ordering forms.
If they have managed to keep it this quiet, for this long… I will have seriously misunderestimated the UK TMO chaps.
So. On or around 4pm, check out and let’s see if this source is anywhere near accurate about ‘Android’.

Posted by email from MIR Live (posterous)