
T-Mobile UK's customer service selling 5 quid 18 month contracts

T-Mobile UK customer, still?  Well, get on the phone to them and see if you too can benefit from reader Steve’s experience.  Not only did he get winning (and, I have to say, quite surprisingly good) customer service, his girlfriend also got what can only be described as a deal of the century.

Although I’ve got issues with T-Mobile’s voice service whilst in the UK, I always found the data to be pretty reliable and I still have two accounts with them.  Whenever I’ve spoken to customer service there, I’ve also found them reasonably helpful.

I’ve reproduced Steve’s comment from this post below:

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Blimey it really is hair pulling stuff. Anyone who has read my rants knows I hate customer support lines too. But the other day I had a sweet and lovely experience with T Mobile…

I called 150 and am straight through to a lovely lady who asks my mobnum and password and then says ‘how is you day steve, can I call you steve?”. I say my contract is up but am considering staying. She tells me that I’m paying too much!!!!!! I think you’d be better staying with us but moving to Flex 20 given your call pattern, and then it will only cost you £20/month instead of 40 ‘odd you’re currently paying. Great, I will do that then.

Next day my girlfriend calls as her a/c is to also expire in one month and says ‘I’d like to move to flex 20 because my boyfriend is and we’ve both decided it is the bext tariff for us. but my a/c isn’t up for another month”. ‘no problem” comes the reply. ‘better still if you extend for a further 18 months I’ll do Flex20 for £5/month instead of £20″.

‘Erm what’s that catch?” asks my girlfriend. Nothing. obviously we want you to extend for 18 months but at £5/month that is a mere £90 total for an entire 18 months for the flex20 tariff.

Well yes I’d love to she says, but my boyfriend wasn’t offered this. I’ll only take it if you give him the same deal.

‘ok what is his number?”. tap tap, tap. ‘yes he can have it to”.

Now I have an in-built physchological issue with signing up to anything for 18 months. But at £5 per month how can I go wrong.

So there you have it: no IVR system, a lovely friendly support lady, willingness to offer great deals to both of us. Yes I am in a state of shock at the moment.

And then the next day after another call to T Mobile to rectify my MMS settings which I’d mucked up, they called back an hour later to ‘check if your MMS is now working ok Steve”!!

Believe me, I do not recommend any mobile operator as I think 666 should be the number they all use for their sales departments. But based on this experience, T Mobile are definitely winning the customer support stakes at the moment.

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Very good news for the industry and for T-Mobile.