
T-Mobile USA text timestamp problem in Denver

This is quite an interesting one sent in my an SMS Text News reader and T-Mobile USA customer who can’t quite understand why his 160 character text messages are being delivered with wildly inaccurate timestamps.

Any ideas?

I am not sure if you are aware of this, but shortly after the time change in March, those of us in Arizona noticed that all of our incoming text messages were time stamped an hour ahead of local time. I have contacted their ‘customer support’ folks many times by phone since March, and gotten nowhere. I have e-mailed them numerous times.

Reeeeeeally weird!

Yesterday I was told that it is because we are on the Denver network.

What’s that got to do with anything? 😉

You’re on the Denver network therefore you should be expecting messages to phase shift in and out of this universe? Is that it?

IF that is the case, why are my incoming texts time stamped correctly? Why does my phone show the correct time? Anyway, I was able to get an e-mail address for the T-Mobile Senior Vice President of Customer Service (Sue Nokes), so I sent her an e-mail.

Right on! Straight to the top!

I received a call from a guy who works in the office of their President. They say that they are going to get it resolved. Incidentally, I have been with T-Mobile for five years now. This is the first time the text messages have been time stamped incorrectly.

Keep us updated.

If you too are on the phase-shifting T-Mobile Denver network, this is why your 9am text message from your girlfriend appears to have been sent at 6am this morning.