
T-Mobile USA: Would sir like a shitty phone?

Got this illuminating email in from SMS Text News reader, Giff, this morning. He wasn’t entirely sure about my USA mobile phone bashing pieces — in fact I reckon he thought I was perhaps exaggerating. Well, have a read of his recent experience:

Hey Ewan,

Have to be honest here, but as I read about you bashing the US cell phones available, I understood what you were saying but didn’t really believe it…

Well, here I was sat last Friday and my cell goes on the blink. So I head to the closest T-Mobile store, (remember, I have a great plan with them and so far, great service with rarely being dropped). SHOCKED!!!

NO 3G phones what-so-ever. Only THREE wi-fi phones to choose between. But there were a ton of clam-shell and RAZRs…. I walked out disgusted and didn’t buy.

Really, I don’t know what to think. I don’t know what to buy. It was truly a terrible experience. So, on my way home I happened by an ATT store. I popped in to take another look at the iPhone.

Look, it isn’t that the iPhone to the rest of the world is anything great. But after my experience inside the T-Mobile store it is obvious why Americans are going on and on about this phone. You can’t compare it to anything at all in the T-Mobile store…

Really, honestly now, our phones over here, just terrible…


This is the thing Giff. The iPhone really does transcend the standard American handset experience, particularly when new customers — NEW CUSTOMERS ON 24 MONTH CONTRACTS — are walking out cell phone stores with really old clam-shell RAZRs and RAZR copies that can do nothing more but text, call and function as alarm clocks.