
T-Mobile's Heathrow Flashmob premieres Friday at 2215 on Channel4


T-Mobile have done it again with their Flashmobbing. This time they are apparently welcoming home weary travellers arriving into Heathrow Airport’s Terminal 5.


A combined total of 28 million folk watched the last two flashmob videos (the Liverpool Street dance and the Trafalgar Square Karaoke event). And if you assume there’s about 60-70 million people in the country that’s pretty good going. I trust the creative you dreamt this up got a big bonus.

Here’s what we should expect:

Henry Church from South Kensington in London, the first passenger to receive the welcome, said: “I’d just come in on an overnight flight from Washington DC and as I walked through the doors this woman started singing to me. I had no idea what was going on, I thought she was a nutter. Then all of a sudden what seemed like the whole airport joined in the singing and they were all looking at me and I was totally overwhelmed. One minute I’m thinking about the slog to get home and the next thing I know the whole arrivals hall is singing ‘Welcome Home’ to me. Unbelievable. I hope it gets into the advert because my mates and my missus are never going to believe me when I tell them.”

Haha! Brilliant.

As for the ‘premiere’ time, have a read of this:

The advert will premiere on Friday 29th October at precisely 10.15pm when a full length 3 minute version will be screened. In what is a world’s first, the ad will premiere across the entire ad break simultaneously on more than 80 digital and terrestrial commercial TV channels along with all of the major social networks including Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. It is expected to be watched by nearly 10 million people across the UK and reach more than 2 million households. To watch it online go to

That is some organisation, eh? I really like the ‘immediacy’ too — they’re filming and editing everything in under 36 hours.

The advert, which is being made for T-Mobile by agency Saatchi & Saatchi, is being filmed, edited and broadcast in under 36 hours and is the first ever to be filmed at Terminal 5. Spencer McHugh of T-Mobile explains: “We want to create adverts that not only show our products in a different way but are entertaining and interesting enough that people want to share them with their friends – whether that’s over a chat in the pub, on twitter or on text. It simply isn’t good enough any more to put a 30 second advert on in the break on Coronation Street. That’s why we are launching with a 3 minute version and will be launching on social and traditional media simultaneously.”

I will look forward to this.

Here’s the trailer, complete with rousing classical score:

[Yes, I just did embed a trailer of an advert… Never thought I’d ever do that!]

It looks like nice work T-Mobile!