
Take off your 'dipshit earrings' please

I had to do a post on this. Long have I had a problem with people who wear bluetooth in-ear or on-ear microphone headsets. I don’t mind it if you’re a plumber – an ambulance man, heck, even a policeman. But wearing a bluetooth headset for 8 hours a day — and taking one phone call from your insurance company trying to upgrade your policy each day – that’s inexcusable. If you use your headset continuously for hours on end, I think I can manage dispensation. However I think walking about the place – all day – wearing it… No.

I was thus delighted to read this tweet via @caaarlo:

RT @phonescooper: LOL @theexpert calls bluetooth headsets “dipsh!t earrings”

So yes. That’s my new description. Dipshit earrings. Love it.