Clicky makes Yahoo and Google play nicely

Picture 12I got a note in from Scott Robbin, Lead Developer of up and coming mobile site, He was emailing to let me know that it’s a good time to register and check out the beta.

It’s a neat concept. Very neat indeed. Here’s a brief overview:

Tappity is a site where users can discover mobile-friendly websites, and create a personalized homepage for their phone or PDA. Because Tappity is affiliation-free, users can combine the best of all worlds, like having Yahoo News co-mingle with Google Local. Plus, there are hundreds of other mobile sites, submitted by users, that beat the pants off of anything the Big Three can make.

I totally buy into this. User submitted is way better in this context. There’s nothing worse than trying to view a normal website (where the front index page requires a 400k download of heavy graphics and CSS/scripting) on your bog standard Sony Ericsson. It takes ages. It’s unusable. So Tappity could be wickedly useful for a ton of people.

I’ve registered and I’m going to check it out — if you’ve got a few minutes, do the same.