
Telefonica's €350m telecoms deal with Deutsche Post

I imagine that Deutsche Post’s CIO (or similar) sat back a little while ago and thought words to the effect of, “This really is a hassle. 84 different suppliers to manage my telecoms infrastructure. There’s gotta be a better way!”

And, well, it seems there is. Telefonica — otherwise known to you and I as ‘o2’ here in the United Kingdom (or more accurately, o2’s parent company) have signed a whopping €350m 5-year deal to manage Deutsche Post’s telecoms infrastructure.

We’re talking:

  • 100,000 LAN ports
  • 60,000 fixed voice devices (‘telephones’)
  • 80,000 mobile connections — comprising 24,000 mobile handsets/smartphones

That’s 125,000 Deutsche Post staff across 2,400 office sites in 28 European countries.


Just as you and I like the concept getting one unified bill from one single provider (who can take responsibility and bash heads together when needed), this looks like a rather sensible deal for Deutsche Post.  And a boom for Telefonica.

Good news. You can read more about the announcement here.

There are always plusses and minuses about these types of deals.  Sometimes it can work well — and it will certainly help to count that 350m Euro as direct revenue for Telefonica.  It’s all about the people, the policies and the procedures though.  Every success to both parties.