
Tesco peppers WAP portal with ads

Apparently, what Tesco Mobile users really, really want is more advertising. After a trial earlier this year that saw advertising put up on the MVNO’s WAP site, Tesco reckons its users are now receptive to viewing advertising when they browse.

According to 4th Screen Advertising, which supplies Tesco’s ads, ads on the site, including promos for Bee Movie, ITV and Nivea got a click-through rate to campaign mini sites of between three and seven percent. The trial also showed that the average age of a visitor to the WAP portal is 36, with a majority of female users.

4th screen also said that 69 percent of users would click on a relevant ad. 69 percent click-through sounds like an amazingly high figure: I can’t remember the last time I clicked on web advert. Are mobile users more susceptible to ads than their internet counterparts, or has the novelty just not worn off yet?