
Testing Unlimited Data from Bell CA shortly

Bell Canada caught a significant amount of attention around the world (most notably in Canada) back in November last year when they announced an unlimited data option for $7/month with their upcoming HTC Touch device. We received lots of requests from Canadian readers asking all sorts of questions — principally along the lines of ‘so what will it be like’ and ‘is this really true?’

Our very own Toronto Star, Krystal, has been knocking her head against the wall with Fido for years so she jumped at the opportunity to check out both the HTC Touch and the feel of unlimited data in a country previously regarded as having one of the most backward mobile industries on the planet.

I’ve asked Krystal to do a daily diary of how she gets on with the device. So, for all the Canadians reading, standby — and if you’ve any particular questions, zap them to Krystal and she’ll make sure they’re answered.