
Text your prayer to the Western Wall

Link: SMS2Wall – Your SMS message directly in the Western Wall

Here’s an interesting use of SMS. You can now get text a prayer, wish, hope, or any other kind of message and get it printed off and deposited in the Western Wall (also known as the ‘Wailing Wall’, or ‘Kotel’) in Jerusalem.

The service is currently available to mobile users in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, Holland, Belgium, Spain, and (rather randomly) Peru.

I had a quick scoot at the UK service. It costs £1.50 plus your standard network charges, and rather bizarrely is on an 89xxx shortcode. Which is, according to ICSTIS, for adult entertainment services. That aside, it’s a cool idea – and certainly saves having to fly all the way to Israel to pop your note in the wall.

Update: Thanks to Ewan for asking the obvious question – what’s the text number for the service in Israel? There isn’t one apparently. The plot thickens.. Still, it’s ok if you’re in Peru!