
The biggest story this week in mobile: Nokia, Nokia & Nokia

It’s been quite a while since Nokia has been exciting. I mean, genuinely exciting.

Whatever the PR & Marketing and leadership team are doing at Nokia HQ, keep doing it chaps.

Finally. Finally we’ve got real excitement brewing across the marketplace.

All of a sudden, Nokia is — quite possibly — back.

The ground work has been laid carefully over the last few weeks. The hints from Elop at his recent earnings call sent the market into a fizzing hive of speculation.

This, from a company who — just weeks ago — was calmly labeled as an irrelevant has-been.

Perception, as is nearly always the case, is reality. 100% reality.

I’m surprised and delighted by the Nokia conversations I’ve been having this week with operators, developers and industry executives. There’s a feeling of renewed energy when it comes to Nokia.

Come Friday morning, I think things will have reached Apple-esque levels of excitement. A perfect, perfect platform on which to head into MWC.

I’m looking forward to seeing Elop arrive on stage.