
The BlackBerry PlayBook browser wiping the floor with iPad v1

Kevin over at CrackBerry published this video from the chaps at RIM showing off the PlayBook’s fantastic web capabilities. You’ll see full motion video working via HTML5 from the browser — and you’ll even see a flash game working on Facebook’s full browser. No need for mobile support.

Pinch zooming works nicely and the browser really is looking ultra smooth. It’s only when you see everything working beautifully in one package (e.g. full-size Facebook site playing a flash video inline) that you appreciate just how nice it is to have it all working as you might expect.

Have a watch of the video below.

There’s no doubting the fact that compared to iPad v1, the PlayBook’s browser appears streets ahead. Remember that you can easily develop both HTML5/CSS apps that tie directly into the PlayBook’s architecture and you can use Adobe Air to construct the likes of TweetDeck level apps to run on the PlayBook: So we should really start to see some rather compelling apps for the PlayBook soon.

The iPad v1 is beginning to look very, very old. And it’s only been available for, what, 6 or 7 months? 😉

Of course, we’ve yet to see revision 2 of Apple’s iPad (and revision 5 of the iOS). Apple are now under some considerable pressure to deliver in a progressively crowded (tablet) marketplace.