
The Connected Creativity Pub Quiz

At the end of the first day at Connected Creativity, I hosted the Pub Quiz in the Experience Hub tent by the beach in Cannes. We got a little write-up in the MIPTV Show Daily News. I think we had about 15 different teams show up for a few drinks and to demonstrate their googling abilities. That’s right! Googling! Cheating was not only allowed, it was encouraged. With that in mind, a lot of the questions we used weren’t easily translated into simple Google queries. The prize was a big Magnum of champagne. For the life of me I can’t remember the winning team’s name — ‘Pink something’. They did very well getting 26 out of 30 answers correct.

The concept of a Pub Quiz was rather new to a lot of the international delegates so I did my best to make sure everybody got the idea. The Hub was packed — this was simply brilliant as the atmosphere really added to the experience. Thanks to the MIPTV and Connected Creativity team for inviting me to host the event!


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