
The Future of Voicemail Video Series - first episode in the can!

This morning I set off early before most of the population of Marlow had risen to get into the Big Smoke (“London”) in time to catch Olivier Sichel, Partner at Sofinnova Ventures, the well-known European wireless and life sciences venture capitalist.

Olivier is one of the chaps on my list to feature in my new video series, The Future of Voicemail. I was particularly interested to get Olivier’s take on the way ahead given the fact he was Chairman of Wanadoo during some of the company’s most interesting times in the industry. I wanted to get his insight into how voicemail should be managed. What’s fascinating is that his views — without any prompting and despite coming from totally different ends of the marketplace — appear to closely match those of Andy Munarriz, founder of HulloMail.

HulloMail, if you recall, helped me make the Future of Voicemail series a reality by agreeing to become sponsor. I’m going to be getting Andy on camera too so it’s going to be particularly illuminating to contrast them.

I won’t spoil it though. I’ve got to edit the video — but all things being equal, it should be up sometime next week as the first episode in the series.

Thank you for taking the time this morning, Olivier!