
The iPhone 5S in October 2013 will fix everything

Staying with the Apple theme, I had this email in from reader Mike Strefford who makes a series of points I found stimulating. Over to Mike:

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The deeper issue for me is what the maps fiasco says about the change in attitudes within Apple.

It is literally impossible that Apple did not know that Maps was rubbish. I found massive errors in the first 3 searches i tried on my friend’s phone — so given the level of quality and user testing Apple are renowned for they knew it was crap.

Steve Jobs would have launched the iPhone 5 and delayed iOS6. The new Apple gave all their users a very substandard experience. Have they stopped caring? Does Tim Cook not get it in the same way that Jobs did?

Apple is a success today because the innovators and early adopters bought into their vision and became champions for them into the majority of the consumer market. If they lose that they could lose everything.

But don’t worry, the iPhone 5S in 12 months time will fix everything and you can pay again for what you already have 🙂

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I love the last sentence in particular Mike 😉

What do you think? Are we witnessing a new Apple?

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