
The iPhone-powered heads-up-display Google Map for cyclists

Tom Chivers in today’s Telegraph features a rather interesting addition to the world of cycling. There are some particularly keen cyclists amongst the readers of Mobile Industry Review (notably, the chaps from Esendex who regularly cycle the length and breadth of the country) so I’ll be interested to see what they think of this innovation.

The concept is simple. Connect your iPhone display to a heads-up-display or head-mounted-display unit that you can peer at with one eye.

Zeptotools, the chaps behind the ‘ARider’ concept, used a T3-A unit from Scalar Corporation as they describe here. And here’s a pic:

They sellotaped this to a bike helmet and plugged it into an iPhone.

Job done.

They modified the cycle helmet a little by sticking the iPhone on the top of it like so:

I both thoroughly approve (of the overt display of a decent handset) and thoroughly disapprove, having been phone-jacked of my N95 a while ago, I think it would be reasonably simple for a tall chappy to grab the iPhone off the helmet.

Anyway. I like the concept.

What’s it look like?

Have a look at the video here:

What do you think?