
The MIR 3.0 Ovi Store app is now live!

Come on! Mobile Industry Review is now live on the Ovi Store! Woo!

Last week I sat down for 20 minutes and created an Ovi Store application for Mobile Industry Review. It allows you to browse the MIR feed and the Mobile Developer TV youtube feed.

I did this using the all new Ovi App Wizard which is simply fantastic. It takes a series of RSS feeds that you supply, along with a logo and a few colours and — boom — creates a stand-alone Symbian mobile application. For free.

The wizard is an excellent piece of engineering.

In practice, you can actually have a rough application created in the App Wizard in about 20-30 seconds. However I flipped open Fireworks and got a bit creative with the logos to make sure I was entirely happy. I decided to make the application free — but I could have just as easily told Nokia to charge for it!

Once I’d created the app in the wizard, I then pressed ‘publish to Ovi’. And boom. Job done. A few days later I got a notification to say that my Ovi Publish account was active and that my first application was approved and live.

Get in!

I’ve already had 22 page views and 5 users! šŸ˜‰

(It only went live this morning)

So if you have a Nokia handset nearby, check out the app and see what you think. Here’s the direct url:

If you’d like to mobilise your content into the Ovi Store with the App Wizard, it’s literally a piece-of-simplicity. And free. Here’s that url:

Excellent work, Nokia!